On the inside…

by Patsyfox on March 5, 2017


I haven’t had a whole lot of freelance jobs drawing interiors but they are increasing, and note to all: I would love more! I created the above sketch for Emma & Roe, featuring their classic store design.

Previously, my most noteable interior sketches were of my dressing room, when I created an “artist’s impression” of what my dream closet would look like then presented it to an array of scared-looking carpenters, and a store sketch I whipped up pretty much on a napkin to show my then-boss how our flagship retail store could look (back in my designer-life), which he then handed to a builder and said “Make it so”. I’m pretty sure that builder wanted to strangle me, but what can I say – at that moment in time in that boss’s eyes I could do no wrong.  That napkin went on to become the blueprint design for a string of retail stores. Scary? I should at least have been paid an interior designer’s fee!