Feelin’ spanky

by Patsyfox on January 22, 2010

Or should that just be cranky?

37°C today, and sticky. Despite having run between 4 and 6km almost every day since new years, my thighs are chaffing.  Speaking of which, want to go for a run but too hot.  Meh.  Caught the train home from the city and everyone at Southern Cross station was annoying, most specifically the B-O monster occupying the space next to the only spare seat.  And young men cutting me off to get to seats on the train.

Honestly, sometimes I just want to make like Eartha…

…and spank the entire world.

Naughty Patsyfox illustration


Kate 01.22.10 at 3:39 pm

Love this! You are a funny lady.

CRAIG FREAKEN WEBB AH HA 01.24.10 at 3:14 pm

I think you’re still cranky that Anna Paquin stole your boyfriend….
Who’s Kate? Mary and I have competition?

I want new shoes…..any suggestions?

Patsyfox 01.24.10 at 10:39 pm

Thanks Kate! Geez I can be a cranky biatch though!!

Northcote_plaza 01.26.10 at 12:38 am

I want that costume..you think you can whip one up for me?
PS people with B.O should be locked up for life!

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