Getting Fresh

by Patsyfox on December 3, 2009

It’s the little things in life that bring a smile to your face while you’re belting along a city street trying to make it to the tray of champagne before the rain really gets going.  Like the guy selling The Big Issue opposite Parliament House today, selling his wares by song as I passed – “you’ll love this magazine it’s really a ripper, you’ll love it almost as much as  I love those boots with the really long zipper…And actually they give me a really…” At which point a tram went by and I missed the rhyme, which try as I might, I can’t fill in.  If you can think of anything please let me know.  Or maybe just make something up?

In any case, I made it to Craft Victoria with my hairstyle still intact, and was treated to the most fabulous selection of work from the best of this year’s design/art/craft graduates, as the Fresh! exhibition.  I’m particularly taken with this origami shell-kind-of-thing by Kaori Kato.  If it had sleeves attached I would call it the perfect party jacket – when needing time out in the corner due to bad behaviour/embarrassing gaffs/seeing undesirable exes, you could just find a spot and squat – hey presto, where’s she gone?

Fresh! fashion illustration

And I had to include a pic of this incredible blown-glass installation by Emma Lashmar.  It reminds me of the orbs at Amanda’s house, and I want it in my hallway.

blown glass


HRH PoP 12.03.09 at 3:03 pm

….big dipper?

Patsyfox 12.03.09 at 3:51 pm


Chris Bonney 01.23.10 at 11:48 pm

Patsyfox, I really love your fashion sense and style. I also love how you express your everyday experiences. You certainly have a style and fun humour that makes me smile and laugh. Thank you for sharing you with me xx

Patsyfox 01.24.10 at 10:38 pm

Hey thanks Chris! Thanks for reading and enjoying. : ) X

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