Hat Trick at the community cup

by Patsyfox on June 21, 2009

My love for RRR radio will take me a lot of places, but it may not have taken me all the way across town to the Elsternwick oval on a cold winter solstice, had it not been for my sly plan of stalking Fee B-Squared to draw her for this blog.  You may remember my spectacularly successful stalking of The Sartorialist, and this may be gloating, but the term shooting fish in a barrel comes to mind?  So with my constant-companion-SLR-camera (officially almost equal in value and weight to my car) in tow, I made the trek.

Alas, despite my vigilant crowd-scanning and thoughtfully-located hanging, there was no FB2 for me.  Quelle horreur that this trek be for nothing, I turned my attention instead to the Rock/Radio crowd, but again disappointment at the lack of pencil-worthy subjects.  Sure, the fact that I was juggling an almost-cooked sausage and a UDL in one hand (2 things strictly reserved for festival-type situations when lack of choice causes me to leave my standards at the gate) didn’t help, but come on – Yawn.  

Which brings me to my find of the day; 3 stylin’ chicks with cheekbones that make it hard to like them.

Meet the cheeky, vivacious, and never superficial, Kelly, Ann, and Lesa…



Fee B-Squared 10.03.09 at 11:11 pm

A stalker plan foiled, and I was completely unaware. Hilarious!

Patsyfox 10.05.09 at 5:36 am

Hee! Well actually I’d planned to resume my stalking at the RRR open day 2 weeks ago, but was foiled again, this time by my complete inability to rush in any way. Had to get thyself to high vibes to begin silliness, and ran out of time. The game continues…

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