I’m with the band

by Patsyfox on March 24, 2010

My ambitions for last Friday night were modest.  High-five myself relentlessly for making it through a ridiculously hectic week.  Tick.  Lose a few more tones off my hearing scale by standing in front of the speaker stacks at the Dead Weather gig at the Forum so I could feel the music reverberate through my body and stare at Dean Fertita simultaneously.  Tick.  Head directly to Cherry Bar post-gig to further distance myself from anything resembling responsible behaviour. Tick tick.

So I stood with my biatch Amanda surveying the dance floor, enjoying a sense of self-satisfaction, when out of the darkness appeared someone who proceeded to hug Amanda and gasp “Awesome gig!”. Apparently not her Australian accent, nor the fact that I squirted my drink out through my nose laughing, caused this guy, or the subsequent hordes (exaggeration), to question if it was in fact Alison Mosshart from The Dead Weather.  On they came – “I love you!” “You’re amazing!  Would you say hi to my girlfriend? – She’s from Singapore”, and not forgetting the guy who stalked us for the duration of the night, snapping surreptitious photos with his phone.

All I can say is there’s going to be some awfully disappointed people when they show the photos to someone who actually knows what Alison Mosshart looks like.

Can’t say I’m not a little bit jealous – I have only ever been told I look like Joan Jett or Ginger Spice.  Oh, and Leather Tuscadero once, when my bleached hair snapped off on the top of my head giving me a flat-top mullet.

The culprit for all these shenanigans?  The Sass & Bide leopard jeans both Amanda and Alison Mosshart happened to be wearing.  It’s that easy.  And that dark at Cherry Bar.

The real celebrity…

And the people I have apparently looked like…


CRAIG FREAKEN WEBB AH HA 03.24.10 at 11:54 pm

OMG – your gayness just went through the roof!!!!
I love G-Spice, J-Jett and Soo-Quo (i have all their albums….NO – Seriously!!)
but at the same time, don’t think that you look like any of them. OK, well J-Jett, yes, I get that. Actually, I get that alot. But the other two? On what planet and through which glasses do you look like G-Spice??
You’re much classier than that my dear. With a rock and roll edge, of course!

CRAIG FREAKEN WEBB AH HA 03.24.10 at 11:54 pm

OH yeah….and that sketch of Alison Mosshart is amazing!

Mary 03.25.10 at 5:49 pm

Don’t see the resemblance to any of those except for maybe JJ’s hairstyle, but at least they are cool doppelgangers. I get Cher and Andie McDowell. I don’t mind 😉

Amanda Biatch 03.25.10 at 7:31 pm

Ok everyone, can’t I have a wee little bit of splendidness here???
Angie did forget to mention that my hair is the same colour, length and my legs may be as skinny?
Hi Craig! the sketch is of moi! Amanda Mosshart..I know cos my biatch made me sit there like a goon and pose in front of Cherry Bar..

CRAIG FREAKEN WEBB AH HA 03.26.10 at 5:50 pm

well then it is a most splendid sketch of YOU Mizz Amanda – the lack of tatt distracted me briefly. Many apologies.

SO funny that you get Cher, Mary!! I am SO making you do a rendition of “if I could turn back time”, next time we are at drinks together.

At least NONE of you get “Scotty” from Brothers and Sisters, comme moi!!?!!Quel bore!

Mary 03.27.10 at 10:02 pm

I am so singing that next time I am drunk (or sober).
BTW it’s a gorgeous pic of you A. I don’t know who ‘whatshername’ is really so it’s lost on me, however I reckon you are much hotter.

Patsyfox 03.30.10 at 6:51 am

The Ginger Spice moment brought an otherwise happy party night to a sulky end. I mean give me a break!! Why the similarity? Red & blonde streaks, and a stupid round face. Grrr – the one good thing about aging is losing facial puppy fat! (Just when you need it most.)

jaclyn 03.31.10 at 5:44 am

i love this story!!! and the drawing of amanda is awesome

Patsyfox 03.31.10 at 5:51 am

Ha ha, it was pretty funny and ridiculous!

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