In the flesh

by Patsyfox on September 11, 2013


One of the many things I learned from the fabulous wonderful talented charming did-I-say-fabulous Bil Donovan was the importance of drawing from a live model.  That’s great but really who can afford to hire a model every time they want or need to do some drawing?  Not me.  Of course there’s plenty of life drawing set-ups around town but they’re not fashion models, they’re not striking a pose, and there’s one key thing missing…um, clothes!

Don’t sweat it because I’ve solved this problem – enter the brand new Live Fashion Drawing nights beginning in Melbourne on September 26th!  These are untutored sessions where you are free to draw how and what you like.  They will be held roughly fortnightly on Thursday nights from 6.30pm – 9.00pm, and will suit everyone from students to professional illustrators.  You don’t even have to do it from a strictly fashion perspective.  And if there’s particular poses or themes or clothing you want to draw, just tell me and we can incorporate it.  Genius really, I know.

So how do you do it?  1. You book your spot with me prior to the night (so there’s no nasty over-crowding) 2. You turn up and draw.  That’s it.

You can check info and dates on The Drawing Salon website, or up-to-the-minute info and pics on our Facebook page.  See you there.