Mes petits anges

by Patsyfox on June 10, 2009

Before returning to my former fairly-strictly superficial nature, I feel compelled to stand on my soap box one more time.  

Actually I feel like shouting it:

No-one could possibly have better friends than I have. Really.

Recent events have left me dumbfounded at how nice people can be.  From meals left (literally) on my doorstep, to cards, flowers, gifts, texts, calls, life-saving acupuncture, hugs my bronchitis-induced bruised rib could do without, to a benefit gig happening next sunday 14th June at the St Kilda bowling club.

Enter the fabulous Mrs Underhill, “My favourite Melbourne writer”, aka Jacqui Bryon – the meeting of whom was one of the best things to come out of my relationship with Joe, my ex-once-removed.  AND the lovely Cindy, ex-girlfriend of my afore-mentioned ex.  I don’t know what it is about my exes’ exes, but I just love them.  Driving home from the party where I first met Ms Cindy, I was moved to remark “Why the hell did you let her go?  She’s much nicer than me!”  True, and true.  And if you needed proof, the two of them have cooked up the most rocking benefit gig, calling in god knows how many favours, and procuring a line up of three of the coolest bands; Benny & The Fly By Niters, The Exotics, and Little Murders.  My mind is officially blown, and I am so humbled I truly don’t know what to say, except Thank You.  To everyone, for everything, you know who you are.

So meet mes petits anges:

The effervescent Jacqui…


And the rockin’ Cindy…



Mary 06.11.09 at 3:35 am

I shall be attending regardless of whatever unkempt state I find self in due to previous night’s activities.

Viva 06.11.09 at 3:33 pm

Great illustrations of Mrs Underhill and Miss Cindy. Gorgeous!

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