Ooh Dr Sketchy, you fix me gooood.

by Patsyfox on July 31, 2009

Among the many pleasant things to do on a cold rainy Sunday night, you would have to count sitting in plush surrounds with a glass of red while drawing a semi-naked sexy man wearing fetish boots and hair underpants.  It’s my idea of a hole-in-one, and exactly what I did last Sunday night.

Dr Sketchy’s is where my favourite worlds meet; art and fetish – what more could you want?   Except for that.  Started in New York by Molly Crabapple, Dr Sketchy’s Anti-Art School expanded to Melbourne 3 years ago, and what the hell took me so long to find it??

The models can be burlesque dancers, circus freaks, et al, and on Sunday night at Madame Brussels we were graced with the foxy vixen Marawa Ibrahim, and the bad & beautiful Anthony.  Ooh, Anthony… There is something disturbingly disturbing about being so attracted to someone clearly belonging to the other team.  What is it about those feline men??  And why are they peppered amongst my ex-boyfriends for that matter?  And why did each one of them have a penchant for wearing skirts?  Wait – does the fact that I like a man in make-up and a skirt make me theoretically gay? –  I think it brings out the masculinity! Argh, I need a panadol…

In any case, Anthony looks like a cross between Russel Brand and my friend Craig (please don’t be disturbed by that attracted comment buddy), and cemented my fan status when he chose my drawing as his favourite for the night, winning me a copy of Titzen Blitzen, a cool new book about the local burlesque scene.  Mwah Anthony!

The deal clincher:


And the prize…




{ 1 comment }

CRAIG FREAKEN WEBB - AH,HA! 08.09.09 at 9:08 pm

OMG OMG OMG OMG – you have made my day!!!!
I got a mention on your blog and you even popped me in a vaguely similar category as Monsieur Brand! God Bless your ripped, red, fishnets darling!!

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