On the flip side…

by Patsyfox on August 14, 2011

To say there are 2 sides to my personality is to overly simplify the situation.  There are several.

Mostly though, the battle is between the 2 dominant sides: Nighttime Patsyfox vs Morning Patsyfox.

And they hate each other.

Take tonight for example – it was through the sheer iron will of Morning Patsyfox that I resisted just one more drink at just one other venue to take my Sunday night to 2 rocking bands, and dragged myself onto the 112 tram and safely home.  After all, what am I – Unemployed?  A full-time freelancer??  Alas, it was a sad journey home with the 2 sides hissing at each other.  Morning PF was right though – I will kiss her arse in the morning.

Thank god for next weekend and some truly mischievous plans.  Bring it.