On the fringe

by Patsyfox on February 16, 2010

Given that Jaclyn yesterday cut her long black hair off into a Louise Brooks/Uma-Pulp-Fiction style bob – a move I would have deliberated over longer than she’s been alive – I was prompted to consider what feels like an entire life of variations on the same haircut – mine that is. Friends may think I’ve tried other hairstyles, but really any variations have just been the result of bad communication with the hairdresser (and really, what the hell language do they speak anyway?), or just bad haircuts.

Hang on – didn’t I see a new look in a mag recently and sketch it into my diary?  Yes, I did.

Argh, it’s only a curve on the fringe.

Patsyfox new fringe illustration

And the bobsters…

LouiseBrooks2-thumbpulp fiction


Julia 02.16.10 at 5:29 pm

Jaclyn;s hair looks fantastic! i think yours would too if you cut it

CRAIG FREAKEN WEBB AH HA 02.17.10 at 1:58 pm

is that Charlotte Gainsbourg?

Patsyfox 02.17.10 at 3:46 pm

You are insane! I accidentally got a bob when I was 16 and it made my head look even more like a box than it already does!! Repeat after me hairdressers: Nothing above the shoulders.

Patsyfox 02.17.10 at 3:48 pm

Hey mista! Are you back in the country? Lookin’ forward to seeing you Saturday, in whatever state of jet-lag you are…

And no, she’s the chick off the bedhead ad!

Mary 02.18.10 at 3:30 pm

LOL you think you have had the same haircut forever? What about mine? There is nothing short of shaving it off that could make it look like a new hairstyle. Wait I did shave it off in my when I was 14 as an act of rebellion (don’t remember against who). Then in the 80s the bitch hairdresser would bob it. One may ask why I kept returning to said bitch. Anyway I loathe curly bobs, however yours could look really awesome…….

Patsyfox 02.18.10 at 3:52 pm

Ha ha, I just realised that I have conveniently forgotten the permed years! Which incidentally started with “the bob” – my genius country hairdresser decided a perm might fix the hideous bob she just cut… You can imagine how successful that was – on the day of my form 5 break up party!!

No no, bobs & me – never the twain shall meet: Square head, thin hair – no no no!

On the other hand I’d love to see photos of your hair in a bob!

Mary 02.18.10 at 8:14 pm

Hmm I will dig them out. So.Very.Eighties.

jaclyn 02.18.10 at 11:37 pm

haha… i just wish i was as cool as mrs mia wallace

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