Patsy blues

by Patsyfox on June 29, 2010

Big sigh.  Friday, the day after my stinking birthday, Patsy had to be put down due to age-induced illnesses.  Cry.  Sure she was completely demented and drove me insane but that’s the game!  We pretend we don’t like each other but secretly I carry around pictures of her, and she shadows me from room to room.  Not to mention she is the namesake of this blog…

The things I miss already:

Patsy running out to greet me (read: demand feeding) at the sound of my car in the street, or my footsteps up the street.

Squeeze-hugging Patsy until she clawed my neck.

The sight of Patsy controlling dogs by sticking her claw in their nose then casually looking away as if not to notice.

Patsy talking back to me.

Patsy pissing only in plug holes (ok except for the two pay-backs in my studio).

Patsy jumping vertically 3 feet in the air every time my new toaster ejected the toast (admittedly violently).


Things I won’t miss:

Patsy trying to kill me by wrapping herself around my legs and screaming feed me when I’m trying to make my morning coffee.

Finding out only a year ago that Patsy drinks my cups of tea and glasses of water when I’m not looking – eeuuuw.

All my black clothes (ie all my clothes) having a slight angora finish due to all surfaces in the house being coated in Patsy fur, and Patsy’s favourite place to sit being anywhere my clothes are.

Patsy hiding up the chimney when I need to leave the house, then setting the alarm off when I’ve arrived wherever I was going.

Generally feeling like a slave to a lump of fur.

A life in pictures:

Not only was Patsy pretty, she was very well read.

She loved to shop but found it very tiring.

Patsy considered herself a hunter, despite never moving past the stare-and-wiggle-your-arse position:

When communing with nature, Patsy became calm and wise; at one with the force.

Patsy had always fancied herself as a Warhol silkscreen

She never quite accepted the line from the modeling agency that the birthmark on her nose would prevent her making it.

Had Patsy been a little easier to get along with, I may have successfully married her off to Jen’s unfeasibly handsome cat Ted:

Goodbye Patsy, sob.


Jo 06.29.10 at 10:20 am

There is never anything one can say to make you feel better. When they pass it’s like a piece of your heart goes with them. I’m sorry 🙁

Patsyfox 06.29.10 at 10:30 am

Thank you – you’re so right : (

jenny P 06.29.10 at 3:27 pm

My and Ted’s hearts are breaking reading this tribute to our dear Patsy. Vale a very good cat. They are hard to find in this world of superficiality. Just ask Ted…he got dropped from the A list after nary so much as failing to wax his whiskers. Good to see Patsy kept up appearances till the end….we will miss her. J and T

Lily 06.29.10 at 3:52 pm

Oh dear, how sad.

My heart goes out to you Ms. Patsyfox and your darling, crazy Patsy (who is no doubt sporting cat wings somewhere beyond the great blue yonder; look out birds!) and I will miss her presence in your home.

As panic-stricken as she made me when I stayed over on your couch, I did have a soft spot for your feline friend. She had a very big personality and her menacing ways kept me on my toes.

Now that the real truth is unravelling, I cannot begin to tell you how pleased I am that I never left my cups of tea uncovered in her presence. The mere thought of her rough little tongue stealing sips sends shivers through my spine.

Her psychotic nature was always entertaining; even when she pounded on the kitchen door during the middle of the night and jumped on my head when I was sound asleep. (I hope she forgave me for giving her a quick spray of my aromatherapy atomiser to keep her at bay that night…not many cats get to smell of lavender, geranium, East Indian sandalwood and bergamot.)

Thanks for the beautiful tribute to her life. I never thought I would end up crying over a cat. Although Patsy was not a regular cat, was she? Patsy could feign the grace of a queen and have the courage of a tiger.

R.I.P. Patsy.

melbournedreaming 06.29.10 at 7:55 pm

Oh, so sorry to hear about your Patsy. It’s so hard to lose a good friend/housemate, even if they happen to be of the non-human persuasion!


Fourth Daughter 06.29.10 at 9:03 pm

I’m so sorry to hear this… I hope you’re OK. My cat is 18 and although she’s fine (albeit a bit demented and demanding) I’m dreading the moment when I have to make this decision. She drinks out of my water glass too – even when I AM looking, although luckily she hasn’t developed a taste for tea yet. And yes, I’m a slave to a lump of fur too (at last count I am getting out of bed between 3-5 times every night to feed/comfort her or let her in/out/in/out).
Belated happy birthday in spite of this sad event…
and I’ve just noticed I’m on your blog roll, thank you, it’s such an honour!!

Esz 06.29.10 at 9:37 pm

Ah poor Patsy – Such a lovely tribute too – what a wonderful life it must have been – kitties have it the best, sitting around, sleeping, being fed, sleeping, killing things, sleeping, laying in the sun – you know the drill 😀 *hugs* to you <3

hnaht 07.02.10 at 9:48 am

Sorry to hear about your lost my love! just think of all the gorgeous years she gave you.. and you gave to her!

Hope to catch up this weekend for lunch or wine?
Lots of Love

Nancy 07.03.10 at 11:38 pm

Good bye my beloved cousin, I miss you.

Mary 07.05.10 at 2:11 pm

Oh dear I live next door and I haven’t looked at your blog for ages 🙁 Very sorry about Patsy, she was a neighbourhood fixture. Always out the front saying hello and keeping my cats in their place. I remember when Minky was a wee kitteh and she experimentally and proudly climbed our shared fence only to be greeted by a Patsy attack. Poor Minky jumped onto the adjoining tree and ran up it as fast as possible, then got stuck up there! I then had to find a ladder in order to climb up and get her down. It was pretty funny 🙂
Oh and the time I was quite wasted and had to give Patsy her thyroid medication. I was not on the ball as it were and she clawed the fuck out of me! LOL. I couldn’t stop laughing whilst bleeding profusely (thinned blood and all).
RIP Patsy, you will be missed.

Amanda Biatch 07.06.10 at 2:09 pm

oh my dear friend,
this is a little late although we have discussed already, I too will miss that crazy
feline that would sit on every piece of clothing or bag that I placed down at your house..I had the warmest handbags in town 🙂 Oh and your was the favorite so she could leave as much contrast fur possible… nice one.
RIP Pats

CRAIG FREAKEN WEBB AH HA 07.13.10 at 9:39 am

Oh Dear. What can I say. Poor Patsy – she had a long and wonderful life. She loved you just as much as you loved her. She shared it all with you. She understood you. Even if you think that she didn’t – she did. Being another species, does not exclude them from love or understanding. You looked after her, as she you – in the way that you both knew best. You will miss her, no doubt. But her memory will live within your forever, and thus so she lives on.

And now – for the apology. I was in Europe last week and completely forgot to call you for your birthday – I am so sorry. Let me make it up to you by taking you out for dinner and plying you with French bubbles? You name the time & date – we have a lot of catching up to do!!



Mrs Underhill 07.13.10 at 2:07 pm

I am late too in saying farewell to the famous Miss Pats. You know I have my only feline housemates and I just had to invest $99 in a new dustbuster to prove it. I bitch and moan, especially after Mexico and I had an all out brawl last week when he wouldn’t get out of my knickers drawer, but I wouldn’t swap them for the world. When I am a bit myself and start raising my voice husband of the house comes forward with little orange Prue in his arms knowing I can’t shout in front of her. See, what I’m saying is that I get it! And she was a beauty there is no doubt. Like pussy like mistress. Don’t be too sad XXX

Lily 07.16.10 at 11:43 am

Where art thou dearest? We miss you.

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