Bonjour mes amis!

by Patsyfox on June 16, 2011

Paris at last!

Despite the odds (Being told at check-in that my ex-boyfriend was still booked in the seat beside me; Spending the first leg of the flight boxed in between two Russian men in head-to-toe nylon tracksuits – B.O. as W.M.Ds; No less than three babies in the row ahead of me), I arrived well rested.

For this I thank my canny lobbying of the Qantas staff at Singapore airport to secure me a new aisle seat, my own little haven with no screaming babies, no B.O., and apparently a window dweller with no bladder because for that entire flight she did not move.

3 wines, 2.5 sleeping pills, & a sounds-of-the-rainforest-soundtrack later, there was no waking me.
I arrived at my Paris hotel smelly but awake, with just 2hrs before I was due to be photographed by Carla Coulson (a story for later), and way earlier than check-in time. Karma I love you, because standing there behind the desk was the stern-but-lovely woman who used to stand behind the desk of the much-nicer work-funded hotel. Voila! Like that I was in my upgraded room, showered, face-masked within an inch of my life, & en route to Carla’s.

I’ll write more about the gorgeous Carla Coulson another time but suffice to say not only is she gorgeous, talented, and cool, she also has the patience of a saint, because if you ever watched Friends and saw the episode where Monica tries to get a portrait taken with Chandler, then you’ll have some idea how difficult it was for Carla to get a natural photo of me. That woman deserves a medal. Sigh.

Back to my beloved Saint Germaine Des Pres. Why am I always so surprised to return to places across the world and find they’re not only still there but still the same? Paris is nothing if not consistent.


“View from my hotel window.”

“The never-changing view from cafe Les Deux Magots.”

“The blissful sight at the end of day 1.”


kim 06.19.11 at 8:44 pm

Glad you made it in one piece. Ok, I am officially envious right now in so many ways it’s not funny and for some reason am craving a macaron!

Danielle 06.21.11 at 3:27 pm

Enjoy Angie, it was the highlight of our trip, next to NY. In California now, and I won’t mind a bit if the volcano has other plans for us. X x x

Patsyfox 06.21.11 at 7:54 pm

I was devastated to realize at the Paris airport that I’d forgotten to have a lemon tart while in Paris!! How the he’ll did I let that one slip?? Sadly macarons didn’t cross my mind either, dammit.

Patsyfox 06.21.11 at 7:56 pm

Oh nice trip! Jealous of NY but hey I can’t complain, I’m in London now… Thanks for the postcard, I loved it!
Are you going joshua tree type thing?

CRAIG FREAKEN WEBB AH HA 06.22.11 at 11:15 am

Now I am DYING!!! I really wish I was in London right now too. Please take lots of photos and make me even more jealous than I am right now – I crave it!!!
You better do some great galleries or I will be very stroppy with you!
Please do me a massive favour and take a long walk down Bond St, stopping to check out Smythson and Ralph Lauren and then at the end of Bond cross the road and have a cream tea at The Woseley (next to The Ritz). You simply MUST do it. It is the best for people watching, I love it. You can always walk back through the park to work off the scones!!
If I could click my heels together three times I would be there with you now and we could do the Tate!
When do you get back?


Patsyfox 06.22.11 at 5:57 pm

Must admit have been slack on the photos, but am with you in spirit! Saw the Yohji Yamamoto exhibition at the V&A yesterday which while small was fabulous, but devastated not to be able to take pics, more guards than visitors, and a catalogue with little to do with the exhibition, boo!
Was thinking of a posh tea somewhere so will do that either todAy, or perhaps on Friday since it’s my birthday! The theory was for a hot summer birthday which London ain’t right now, sigh….but at least it’s daylight until 10pm. Which is just weird actually : /
Back on Monday and straight to work Tuesday. You’ll be hearing from me!

Volcano ash Couds Victim 06.23.11 at 9:26 am

Foxy!! the photos looks amazing and not to mention your fab my flight to shanghai have been moved due to getting stucked in sydney for 2 days 🙁
so i might still be here when you get back..maybe not sure Qantas is confirming my new flight out tomorrow.

So jealous you in Paris/London ..Whilst I was in kings cross with the homeless and hookers 😛

Danielle 06.23.11 at 11:46 am

posh tea? Fortnum & Mason? We were there a few weeks back. Tip, have the set menu dinner at the ritz. We did the Big Sur drive to San Fran, with some Arizona and Utah along the way. Back to work Tuesday as well.

Patsyfox 06.23.11 at 5:40 pm

Argh – I am truly jealous of that drive!! Nearly had Craig talked into it on the last work trip we did, nearly…. I was out front of the ritz yesterday but in a stinking bad mood because I’d been walking around in circles with a map in my hand trying to find the royal academy – London is a ridiculous design!! Was going to just go in for tea but had been rained on etc etc & didn’t feel the part!
How funny we’re both back to work on the same day : ). Xx

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