Rain on the plane

by Patsyfox on January 19, 2010

Dear Melbourne,

Thanks a freaking lot.  No really, it was so great the way you put on splendiferous weather all last week – 27°C on Friday for godssake (the perfect Melbourne temperature), then halved your temperature and pissed down for my Sydney friend’s visit on Sunday.

So how do you suppose I quash the rumour that Sydney is in any way superior to Melbourne?  Sure, when I was up there over new years it did also rain and cause the brown dye from my Chie Miharas to create an impression of brown toe-jam on my feet, but at least I was still wearing a bikini under a sun-frock – unlike the woolies & coat I’ve been forced to pull back out of the storage bags I just freaking well packed them into.

Fortunately for me, Amanda & Natasha have iron wills much like my own and understand that bad weather can easily be forgotten with a drink.  Or ten.  So no thanks to you, the plan proceeded and we determinably sat on the deck at ichi ni imagining just how beautiful the sunset would have been, had we not been watching it through plastic sheeting/rain/clouds.

And since the inclement weather forced us to seek a more sensible venue for a nightcap, I guess I can also blame you for the naked candle at Wesley Anne that set fire to my mint green Marc Jacobs jacket.

So thank you Melbourne, thank you so very ***** much.



Melbourne summer angie rehe illustration

{ 1 comment }

CRAIG FREAKEN WEBB AH HA 01.21.10 at 8:28 pm

shouldn’t that be on “things that shit me”?

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