The thrill of the 86

by Patsyfox on March 30, 2010

Riding the 86 tram at the various times of the day & night as I do, I see  an endless array of pretty much certifiably insane people.  And god bless them because they make the journey time pass that much faster.  It’s always a special joy though when I catch a second sighting of the same nutter.  Like Saturday night for instance when Amanda & I were on our way to Ms Lesa’s birthday drinks in the hell hole that is the city on Grand Prix weekend.

I first saw Zeus* a year ago on the same tram line.  He’d just asked out  a girl approximately a quarter of his age.  When she explained that she had a boyfriend he went into a tirade of abuse about how she didn’t have to make up stories to say no.  This would have been disturbing enough in itself, but wearing a white jersey shorty all-in-one with a tan belt fastened that little too tight around his waist, and a headband was too fabulous for words.  Did I mention he’s about 65 give or take?

So yes, tears of joy to find him on board again on Saturday.  This time the outfit was black, he was a little trimmer, and had clearly been busy pumping iron and crazy pills since I saw him last.  He hovered over the object of his affection like a demented seagull – flexing, pumping, running his hands over his muscular physique (his opinion not mine).  When she dashed to a new seat at the first opportunity he ran after her and attempted the death stare before launching into chin-ups on the rails to presumably win her back.

Needless to say the journey into town passed in a flash.  Crazy people, I loves ya.

Check him out for yourself, and sorry for the motion-blur.

*assumed name

Aside from amusing myself on public transport, I’ve also been filling my diary with nakedness.

{ 1 trackback }

They’re everywhere. « freaks are everywhere
05.18.10 at 7:47 pm


Esz 03.30.10 at 12:54 pm

Awesome sketchies!!

I love the crazies too. There’s quite a large proportion of them on the 57 tram too. A lot of junkies also. On one occasion I spotted not one, but FOUR junkies on the same tram. One was so whacked out I’m sure he didn’t know where he was as he was SMOKING on the tram and completely oblivious to the very irate tram driver.

jack 04.01.10 at 3:08 pm

OMG!! i saw him on the tram on wednesday night around 11.58pm
he was in the same outfit but with some strange hair extensions, I thought he was one of the aging village people..the cowboy maybe?

PS check this out

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