Thrill De Jour

by Patsyfox on January 21, 2011

Accepting that my higher purpose in life was to be regularly humiliated was the wisest thing I ever did.  It took the sting out of it.  The humiliations have been many and varied, but none so frequent – albeit minor – as tampons jumping wildly from my handbag when reaching for a tram ticket/tissue/money/lipstick/etc.  God, those things can move fly and roll quite a distance in a millisecond.  Not that there’s anything embarrassing about tampons per se – after all, we all know about lady gardens etcetera, but must we scream “bleeder” by throwing our sanitary products around public spaces??  Sheesh.

Of course I wouldn’t have cared a bit if the mini missiles had been the ones graced by my latest illustration project – Allow me to introduce to you the cutest product you could ever get up close and personal with – Miss DeJour tampons.  On shelves any day now at Woolworths supermarkets.

And loving the zip-lock bag to keep those suckers in their place…


danielle 01.22.11 at 5:25 pm

Nice one!

Esz 01.23.11 at 10:09 am

Ah they’re cute! Definitely a unique project but the idea is good! Very cool 😀

Fourth Daughter 01.23.11 at 10:44 am

Very stylish concept… and they’ve made it in time for fashion week in March so I’m guessing our goody bags will be full of these? I would rush out and buy some to support starving artists but my local supermarket had a big sale on tampons recently and being the tightarse starving designer/writer/translator that I am, I bought enough to last me for years.

Lily 01.23.11 at 4:06 pm

Only you could have made tampons so fashionable, Ms. Patsyfox. The packaging looks wonderful – for some reason it makes me think of James Bond.

I’m thrilled that your art will be gracing the bathroom cabinets of fashionable felines all across the nation…not to mention handbags, glove compartments, purses, pockets and socks (for those times when one is without a bag or pockets).

Simply gorgeous!

Patsyfox 01.23.11 at 4:55 pm

Thanks! Definitely the most amusing work I’ve done in some time. Almost to good to…well…USE. : )

Patsyfox 01.23.11 at 4:56 pm

I know, the idea is genius! Why didn’t I think of it??!

Patsyfox 01.23.11 at 4:57 pm

Ha ha, well I’m sure Miss DeJour will live on for when you’re supply finally runs dry… And fashion week – another genius idea! Of course, it’s perfect : )

Patsyfox 01.23.11 at 4:58 pm

Why thank you, and I wish I could take the credit! Alas, I am the humble illustrator. But yes, the packaging is oh so cool, so clever..

Jac 01.24.11 at 1:40 pm

I don’t even have my period (boys generally don’t get them), but I’m going to buy a pack just to support you, Angie.

Patsyfox 01.24.11 at 2:05 pm

You are such a legend Jack, as always!

Clementine 01.27.11 at 1:08 pm

So now we keep our tampons in a coloured zip-lock sandwich bag, huh? Very interesting. Your illustrations look great though Angie, and I’ll just use Jac’s leftovers (of which there will be plenty), so together – we’re a fairly dedicated support team.

Patsyfox 01.27.11 at 2:27 pm

You guys rock without a doubt! Yes sandwich bags – who would have thought? Lacking in that type of logic I’ve always just stashed them my pockets, thereby ensuring that they are randomly placed throughout my wardrobe and guaranteed to reappear at inappropriate times.
Hope you’re having a great holiday! x

YENDOR HNAHT 01.27.11 at 3:53 pm

I love them .. wish i was a girl just to try them maybe i will try them anyway I’m sure I can find a spot somewhere on my body to put them. What size do you think i will need Angie?

Patsyfox 01.28.11 at 8:01 am

Well they do come in Super, and perhaps you could try more than one??

SoJO 01.30.11 at 2:36 pm

You just leave them loose in your bag? I have a kit which holds a selection of tampons & pain killers. I’m surprised you have let the opportunity of owning such an accessory slip by. Hope they are out very soon, my Special Lady Time is just around the corner & I can’t wait to try them out.

CRAIG FREAKEN WEBB AH HA 02.07.11 at 3:46 pm

I am sitting in the diner at the Standard in Hollywood (by myself I might add) reading all these comments and I have just started laughing out loud to the point that the waiter just asked if I was OK!!??!
Even though I am sans womb, I am very proud of you Mz Rehe. How brilliant!

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