What I did this week

by Patsyfox on August 30, 2014


Fur & shine – my favourite combo

Apart from blubbering over the true death of True Blood – Was I crying because it never did redeem itself and get good again? Or because it was possibly the worst-written last-episode of anything? Or simply because goodbyes have never been my strong point and after four back-to-back episodes I had made my way through most of a bottle of red wine? True mystery.  Where was I? Oh yes, apart from that I was drawing up a storm with my students, as usual.  The sessions are always fun, always challenging, and just sometimes require me raiding my kitchen and laundry supplies… These are some of my demo drawings.


A little this n that from the kitchen and laundrywolf_fashion_drawing_demonstration

Mmm, wolves…my choice animal from the animals in fashion illustration session